
Hydraulic press brake maintenance

hydraulic press brake maintenance

For each Karmet machine, you will be provided with high-quality service and maintenance. It is very important for us to take care of each machine. In connection with this, we offer you useful and practical recommendations, detailed instructions on safety, optimal production, and profitability.

In this article, we will take a deep look at the process of technical maintenance of a hydraulic press brake. Although, our service team is responsible to solve every problem, there are several different procedures that you must perform periodically to have the normal operation of the machine.

Wearranged the information in the following categories:

  1. Maintenance
    1.1 Machine maintenance
    1.2 Maintenance of the hydraulic system
    1.3 Hydraulic system maintenance schedule
  2. Machine maintenance periods
    2.1 Daily maintenance
    2.2 Weekly maintenance
    2.3 Monthly maintenance
    2.4 Bimonthly maintenance
    2.5 Trimonthly maintenance
    2.6 2000 hour maintenance
  3. Lubrication

1. Maintenance
1.1 Machine maintenance

1. Please do the lubrication according to the CNC Press Brake lubrication schedule and lubrication period.
2. Top tool and the lower tool should be kept always clean. And when you do not use, cover with the protect lubrication.
3. With the time you can see the dust in the electric motor. So, you should clean the engine cover and fan in certain periods.
4. Fixing connections of the control panel can be released so you should check in periodically.
5. Bolt connections on the machine should be tightened periodically.
6. During the sheet process oxide, slag etc may occur on the lower beam, top beam, lower and top tools. In order to avoid this situation lower tool, top tool and top tool holder should be cleaned periodically before every working.

1.2 Maintenance of the hydraulic system

1. Keep the hydraulic system clean.
2. Check the lubrication level periodically from the oil tank.
3. Clean the filter in the hydraulic tank after 500 working hours.
4. Change oil in the hydraulic tank after the first 500 hours, then after 2000 hours. You can see the hydraulic oil from the schedule that we recommend.
5. Pressure safety valve is adjusted in our factory, so you should not do any changes to it.
6. Frequently check the cleanliness of the oil from the hydraulic tank. In this indicator blue area means oil is clean, yellow area shows that condition is critical and the red area means oil should be changed.

1.3 Hydraulic system maintenance schedule


2. Machine maintenance periods
This section gives you detailed information regarding periodic maintenance.

2.1 Daily maintenance
Daily maintenance should be done every day.

1. Check all the parts of the machine by eye.
2. After daily work clean the necessary parts.
3. In order to avoid hydraulic oil leak in the hydraulic system, control the tightness of the nuts.
4. Check the oil level on the oil tank. (Oil level should be in the top point)

2.2 Weekly maintenance
Weekly maintenance should be done every week.

1. Control tightness of all the connection parts. (bolts, etc..)
2. Please clean all the parts with soft cleaners mentioned below:
– Back gauge parts;
– Front gauge parts;
– Top tools, lower tools and lower table
3. Lubricate all the parts that are shown in the lubrication schedule.

2.3 Monthly maintenance
Monthly maintenance should be done every month.

1. Unpainted metallic parts should be lubricated by protection oil.
2. Control panel and foot pedal units should be cleaned with cleaners that do not contain abrasive.
3. Tighten the bolts that are under the piston.

2.4 Bimonthly maintenance
Bimonthly maintenance should be done every two months.

1. Clean the filter in the electric cabin with the air.
2. Filter in the hydraulic system should be cleaned firstly by air pressure and then with benzine.

2.5 Trimonthly maintenance
Trimonthly maintenance should be done every three months.

1. Clean the electric cabined from the dry materials.
2. In order to prevent oxidation in connection elements, antioxidants should be used.

2.6 2000 hours maintenance
You should perform the following maintenance every 2000 working hours of the machine.

Every hydraulic press brake has sensitive valve systems, orifices etc. Security of the machine depends on maintaining the hydraulic system and on cleaning the hydraulic oil.

1. The first change of hydraulic oil should occur after the first 500 hours of machine exploitation. Then again after 2000 hours of machine exploitation. Change the oil according to the cosigned oil schedule.
2. Back gauge top beam sliding system and front gauge bearings should be controlled. And if a problem occurs they should be changed.
3. Check the coupling system that is connecting the main motor and hydraulic motor.


3. Lubrication
Lubrication schedule


You can consult your machine manual about the correct types of hydraulic oil and grease. You can also write to us with all your questions at service@karmet.eu

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    4101 Kuklen
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