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TWO-cylinder Ironworker Machines


2 Cylinders Hydraulic Ironworker machine with 2 Working Areas and 5 workstations.

Hydracrop 165 is one of Geka´s two-cylinder Ironworker machines Hydracrop series. This machine can punch, notch, cut and shear different metals such as steel. It has a punching power of 165 tons.

Hydracrop 165 workstations

Hydracrop 165 is an Ironworker with two cylinders, this means that there are two working areas that can be used simultaneously. As a result, you can perform punching, cutting and shearing tasks at the same time. The 5 workstations included in Hydracrop 165 are the following ones:

  • Punching.
  • Angle shearing.
  • Flat bars shearing.
  • Bars cutting.
  • Notching.

Geka Hydracrop 165 versions

There are 2 Punching Throat versions available:

  • S Version: 510 mm Standard Throat.
  • SD Version: 610 mm Extended Throat.

Technical Specifications

Machine Features

Punching station
Independent guided punching cylinder with anti-rotation mechanism and availability for installing optional or customized tools.

Flat Bars Shearing Station
Cutting in a progressive manner with minimal distortion. Cutting angles in flat bars station is possible.

Bars Cutting Station
Shearing of solid round and square bars and a variety of profiles, such as UPN, UPE, IPN, and IPE.

Notching Station
Rectangular Notching Station with notching of tubes or triangles as an option.

Angle Shearing Station
Cutting angles without deformation or material loss with a patented rectilinear motion system.

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.